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Cherry Hinton Jubilee Celebrations 3rd and 4th June 2022


Amongst the many events across the country Cherry Hinton also has the opportunity to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth becoming the Queen.

Friday afternoon offers “The Jubilee Tearooms at the Village Leisure Centre with the Young at Heart. Expect a 1950’s vintage ambience with live music, decorations and a selection of home-made cakes. Everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy time with friends and neighbours. Open 2pm – 5pm.

This is also the day to drop of entries to the Cherry Hinton Jubilee Cake Competition between 12-1pm.

Our competition, ‘A Cake Fit for a Queen’ provides an opportunity for experienced and new bakers to show of their talents in the following categories:

· Best Childrens’ Victoria Sponge

· Best Childrens’ Cup Cake

· Best Chidrens’ Novelty Cake

· Best Victoria Sponge (adult)

· Best Tray Bake (adult)

· Best Sweet Scone (adult)

· Best Novelty Cake (adult)

Entry details and a few rules will be available shortly on the website

Saturday 5th offers something for everyone with our Jubilee Day at the Village Centre from 10am to 4pm. Details are still being finalised and will include

  • Pom Pom, The Magical Fox children's entertainer (see video below)

  • Storytelling tent with free children's book give-away

  • Arts and Crafts area for children and families

  • Board games area

  • Cherry Hinton history display

  • Skill share area

  • Children's dressing up

  • Vintage stalls

  • Community cafe with savouries in the morning and delicious homemade cakes in the afternoon.

It’s been a while since communities have really been able to get together so do come along and say hi to people you have not seen for a while or chat to someone new; play a game of chess or kerplunk, bring- a- long a picnic or share your family memories of the 1950s.

Join our local historian, Michelle Bullivant, on a walk around the Colville Estate built in 1953. Take part in our Treasure Hunt around the village or just come and have a cup of tea. More information will be shared on the Village website as final plans are made but for now save the date and start digging out your favourite cake recipes for the competition.

Resources Needed Events like these always rely on support from the community and so far we have identified a need for some resources:

· Wooden cotton reels or french knitting dolls (as part of our skills share for children)

· Very good condition children’s books

· Any children’s crafts including crayons, tissue paper, card, glitter, glue …

· Knitting needles, wool and crochet hooks

· 50s memorabilia from packets of cornflakes, old sewing baskets to 50s outfits and even a 50s car, books and pictures of the new queen, newspapers, etc

Volunteering If you have skills you would be happy to share do get in touch, we are keen to attract knitters, crocheters, darners, textile artists – We would like to offer the opportunity for adults and children to learn a new skill and we are particularly interested in skills which were around in the 1950s. If you would be comfortable teaching others or demonstrating your abilities, please get in touch by emailing or call 07980113808 with your name, skill area and how best to contact you and we can chat through our ideas – even 30 minutes on the day can make a difference. We are also interested in hearing from anyone focusing on recycling/make do and mend and has ideas for activities we could share.

Bunting Workshop/Sharing Memories/Bring along Resources

Along side other groups in Cherry Hinton we would like to encourage everyone to display some bunting for this unique celebration. We will be hosting a bunting workshop on Sat 14th May at the Village Centre from 2-4pm. We’ll have some resources to share but if you have any fabric remnants, cord, bias binding to donate we would be happy to have them. You could bring along your sewing machine and help us make lots of bunting to be used or come along and hand sew your bunting or colour in paper bunting for window displays.

We’ll have homemade cake and tea on hand and would also be happy to receive any donations for our craft activities, book stall, memorabilia/exhibits for copying or loan.

Sponsorship A final thought for now, if you work for or have contacts with a company you think might be prepared to sponsor something on the day we would be delighted to hear from you and/or the organisation. Small amounts can make a big difference to what we can offer so contact us at or call 07980113808 and we can see how best to use the support and make sure we give recognition for the help received.

Keep up to date : Full details of the Cherry Hinton Jubilee Weekend can be found on the village website, you can like our facebook page or sign up to the Cherry Hinton Residents email update service on the village website for weekly local news and event updates.

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