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The Bellway Latimer Cherry Hinton LLP

Cherry Hinton North


Aerial view of the site.



Cherry Hinton North Development

An update from Bellway homes on Land North of Cherry Hinton

"Dear Residents
As many of you will be aware, Bellway Latimer Cherry Hinton LLP have been consulting local residents on plans for new homes on Land North of Cherry Hinton. We would like to thank everyone who has taken part in the consultation events so far, and have shared their views. We have had some useful feedback which has helped to shape the emerging development proposals. This summer, as we are preparing to submit a reserved matters application which will form the first residential phase of the development and will show the appearance, layout, and landscaping of the new homes, and we want to hear your views on our proposals... 

You can learn more about what we are proposing and give your feedback in a number of ways: In person - We are holding an in-person consultation event on 18 August, from 4pm to 8pm, at St Andrew’s Church Centre, Cherry Hinton, where you will be able to meet the team behind the development, view our proposals and put your questions to the project team. You will also have the opportunity to share your views via a feedback form. Online - We are running a virtual consultation meeting on 22 August at 6.30pm, where the project team will present the proposals and answer questions from residents. You can join the event using the link provided on the project website, or by using the link The best way to submit your feedback is via the form on our dedicated project website Please submit your feedback before midnight on Wednesday 31 August, when the consultation closes. All feedback will be considered by the project team before the submission documents are finalised."  


See attached document for more information and links


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