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Letter from Mission Street (August 2023)

Dear Residents,
Parcel A, land south of Coldhams Lane
Mission Street are the owners of the land known as Parcel A south of Coldhams Lane. We are writing to let you know that as a part of the work to assess and monitor the land, you will see some activity on site over the next few weeks. This activity is all part of gathering information for the planning application that is being prepared. It will provide up to date data on the land. The City Council are fully aware of the assessment and monitoring we will carry out.
We wanted to write to let you know what will be going on. Work will be undertaken between 7th August and the first week of October 2023. Mission Street have commissioned supplementary site investigation and environmental monitoring work to support the proposed development of Parcel A, Coldhams Lane. Mission Street are working with the Environment Agency who are fully apprised of the proposed works.
We intend to monitor and collect groundwater samples from the existing groundwater monitoring wells on the site (Parcel A) as well as from offsite wells adjacent to the lakes (Parcel C). Separately, collection of additional samples is planned once new groundwater monitoring wells have been installed to address data gaps. Localised vegetation clearance at those specific spots will be undertaken and kept to an absolute minimum to facilitate access for the above works. Works will not impact the biodiversity net-gain baseline.
Should you have any questions about this work please do not hesitate to contact us.
You can call Dr Paul Harvey on 07968 941009 or email

Yours Sincerely
Dr Paul Harvey
On behalf of Mission Street

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